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When FRP reliability matters who are you relying on?


Trust your FRP reliability to the Specialists


Deep expertise and extensive experience in engineering, inspecting, and testing fiber reinforced plastic materials. Independently supporting customers and end users of industrial fiberglass equipment and piping

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Do you want more reliable FRP?

FRP equipment reliability doesn't happen by accident

Choosing fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) for corrosion resistance is just the first step – not the entire solution.


FRP mechanical material failures cost end users $millions in lost production and repairs every year.


Most customers and end users of industrial fiberglass equipment and piping do not have qualified, effective FRP expertise and experience on staff.  Project overreliance on FRP vendors and contractors with limited warranties often results in inadequate designs, poor quality fabrication and installation, and delivery of unreliable process equipment.  Unqualified, inexperienced maintenance results in unreliable equipment evaluation and excessive maintenance costs.


Ensuring that your critical process FRP equipment and piping is reliable and fit for purpose for its entire designed service life is essential to uninterrupted production – and most importantly to your business bottom line. 


Invest in reliability  . . . . compromise elsewhere.

Be intentional about your FRP reliability
with FSE expertise supporting your team.


Effective results for what matters most to you

Anchor True Reliability
Anchor Solutions for Your Team
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What makes FSE so effective for our clients?

Specialization – Exclusive focus on industrial fiberglass equipment and piping.

Conservatism – Analysis and design that ensures fitness for purpose and reliability.

Experience – Engineers and inspectors with decades of FRP experience.

Expertise – Subject matter experts in industrial FRP materials and applications.

Third Party Objectivity – Always unbiased and independent.

Practicality – Doable solutions compatible with industry capabilities.

Integrated Services – Inspection and evaluation supported by engineered solutions.

“One of the many reasons I value FSE is because they are not manufacturers. They are completely unbiased and can deliver the answers I need when I need them.”

- Stephen Gutierrez
Sr. Construction Quality Manager of FLUOR, Saudi Arabia

"My company relied extensively on FSE’s fiberglass expertise in the engineering, manufacturing, and construction phases of  multiple challenging FGD installations. Their consistent, high quality reviews and inspections from all their fantastic people contributed greatly to the success of these projects. I worked with 10 different individuals with FSE and would recommend each and every one of them for future projects."

- Jeremy Hubers, P.E. Mechanical Engineer, Black & Veatch, USA

“We have found working with FSE really easy. Estimates are reliable, results are quick and the process of doing business contains no drama.”

- Jim Payant
Vice President of Janicki Industries Inc.

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