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FSE Improves FRP Confidence

Expert execution for dependable FRP

Misplaced reliance results in unreliable FRP and reduced confidence

Overreliance on vendor warranties
Relying on inadequate industry design codes
Trusting FRP fabricators to self-design equipment
Relying on contractors without FRP expertise or experience
Relying on steel methodology to design FRP equipment
Trusting non-specialized inspectors to evaluate equipment
Trusting non-specialized inspectors to perform QA


Who really pays for FRP failures?

Misplaced reliance on FRP vendor warranties

Commercial overreliance on FRP vendor warranties creates false assurance. 
The largest costs of FRP failures are consequential and are not covered by warranties.

The key to improving FRP confidence is
applying customer-side Specialist subject matter expertise, experience, and independent verification

FSE solutions for improved FRP project confidence
Specialist design, fabrication and installation specifications
Specialist technical bid evaluation
Specialist descriptive design or design submittal review
Specialist third-party quality assurance fabrication inspection
Specialist third-party quality assurance installation inspection

FSE solutions for improved FRP operational confidence
Specialist preventive maintenance inspection and evaluation
Specialist design and specification of equipment repairs
Specialist third-party quality assurance inspection of repairs
Specialist failure investigation

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