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The cost of ineffective maintenance

Undetected defects and damage
Manufacturing defects
Installation defects and damage
Corrosion liner degradation

Structural/mechanical integrity defects leading to failures

Inaccurate condition assessments
Non-expert inspection providing incorrect evaluation
Local manufacturer inspection providing biased evaluation
Unproven NDT technologies miss defects and damage
Infrequent inspections leading to false confidence

Ineffective and expensive repair/replace decisions
Untimely repairs and replacements resulting in failures
Premature or unwarranted repairs increase maintenance cost
Inaccurate inspection/evaluation resulting in wrong repairs
Loss of confidence in knowing actual equipment condition

Effective Maintenance

Expert inspection delivers dependable evaluation for effective maintenance 

Trusted subject matter experts deliver dependable FRP evaluation

FRP is a unique material, with life-cycle characteristics much different than metallics.  Specialization is crucial when inspecting and evaluating the existing condition of in-service FRP equipment and piping.  Effective tracking and trending of FRP process equipment condition requires accurate, thorough and dependable PM evaluation.  FSE subject matter experts deliver unbiased, reliable technical evaluation and practical remedial recommendations.

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The FSE difference makers for your FRP equipment maintenance

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