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Our Work

FSE supports major capital projects with FRP Specialist expertise and experience

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Haiwee Power Plant Penstock Replacement Project - California

$21M pipeline project to replace 9,420 lin. feet of 1920s era carbon steel-riveted penstock piping with 84” dia. FRP (fiber reinforced plastic) piping, providing gravity-fed water from the South Haiwee Reservoir to the downstream Haiwee Power Plant. The new pipeline is also part of a Los Angeles aqueduct system that brings clean drinking water to the city.


FSE Scope:

Pipe design review
Quality Assurance shop fabrication inspection
Quality Assurance site installation inspection

Anchor Haiwee Project

Capital Projects

Saudi Kayan Petrochemicals Complex - Saudi Arabia

$3.4B petrochemicals mega project in Al-Jubail Industrial City.

6 ft. dia. FRP Sea Cooling Water Piping
11 ft. dia. FRP Fresh Cooling Water Piping
30” dia. FRP Firewater Network Piping
20 ft. dia. sodium hypochlorite tanks


FSE Scope:

Pipe design review and stress analysis
Piping specifications review
Quality Assurance shop fabrication inspection
Quality Assurance site installation inspection

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Anchor Saudi Kayan Project

Escondida Water Supply Project
- Chile

$3.43B water supply project including a 57-million gallon per day (2,500 liters per second) greenfield seawater RO Desalinization Plant with FRP Seawater Reverse Osmosis Piping, located at the Caleta Coloso Port near Antofagasta Chile.  Supplying fresh water piped inland to service the Minera Escondida Copper Mine located in the Atacama Desert at Escondida.


FSE Scope:

16" to 78" dia. FRP seawater reverse osmosis piping

Quality Assurance shop fabrication inspection

Anchor Escondida Project

Bowen Power Plant Jet Bubbling Reactor Project - Georgia

119 ft. dia. FRP JBR scrubber
68 ft. gas riser and 34 ft. dia. outlet duct
FRP flat panel inlet chimney breeching
34 ft. dia. FRP chimney liner
FRP slurry tanks and piping


FSE Scope:

Descriptive design engineering
QA shop fabrication inspection
Field engineering support

Anchor Bowen JBR Project
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Shell Ethylene Cracker Complex
- Singapore

800,000 tpa greenfield ethylene cracker complex, including butadiene extraction unit.  Part of the Client's integrated Petrochemicals Complex spanning Pular Bukom and Jurong islands.  The grassroots ethylene complex provides ethylene feedstock to the MEG Mono-Ethylene Glycol production plant on neighboring Jurong Island.


FSE Scope:

Aboveground and underground Utilities and Offsites Package - FRP Sea Cooling Water Piping

Pipe design review and stress analysis
Piping specifications review
Quality Assurance shop fabrication inspection
Quality Assurance site installation inspection

Anchor Shell ECC Project

SABIC Engineering Standards for FRP Piping - Saudi Arabia

Comprehensive engineering standards for FRP piping, including qualification of piping and components, design requirements for above ground piping systems, design requirements for underground piping systems, installation requirements, and quality assurance.  The SABIC Engineering Standards are used for all custom FRP piping systems on SABIC affiliate projects.  Includes seawater, fresh cooling water, firewater, sanitary and oily water, and potable water piping services.


FSE Scope:

Develop comprehensive FRP Pipe Engineering Standards


ExxonMobil ALNG Offshore
LNG Gravity Based Structure
- Adriatic Sea, Italy

$1B offshore greenfield LNG re-gasification terminal.


FSE Scope:

Open Rack Vaporizer FRP sea cooling water header pipe and fittings, and potable water piping

FEED constructability 3-D model reviews

FRP specification review

FSE originated design and descriptive specifications

Stress analysis setup and review

Pipe spool drawing review

Review of piping mechanical and physical properties

Quality assurance shop fabrication inspection

Quality Assurance inspection of shipyard piping assembly

Hebron Offshore Oil Platform Project - Newfoundland, Canada

$14B oil production platform with topsides FRP piping.


FSE Scope:

Utilities and process piping: seawater, cooling medium, open drains, wastewater

Review piping material specifications

Review stress analysis guidelines

Technical review of pipe stress analysis

Review integration of surge analysis

Review of IFC piping isometric drawings

Review fab/installation/testing specifications
Quality Assurance shop fabrication inspection

Quality Assurance inspection assembly and field installation and testing.


Al-Zour Oil Refinery (ZOR) Project
- Kuwait

$27B grassroots refinery complex mega project.


FSE Scope:

Utilities and offsites, and process units: seawater supply/return, firewater, potable water, and service water FRP piping systems

Technical review of FRP pipe system specifications

Review pipe vendor technical bids

Review pipe system stress analysis

Review pipe vendor detailed design submittals

Technical review of manufacturer’s standard procedures

Technical review of installation methods statement

Quality assurance shop fabrication inspection

Quality assurance site installation and joining inspection

Construction phase FRP engineering support.

Maintenance and Remedial Projects

Perry Nuclear Power Plant
Circulating Water Remedial Project
- Ohio

Primary underground circulating cooling water piping system condition assessment and remedial maintenance program.


FSE Scope:

In-service 144” and 36” dia. underground circ water system FRP piping

Preventive maintenance inspection

Engineering analysis of existing condition

Remedial engineering design of repairs

Pipe repair specifications

Quality assurance inspection of in-situ repairs

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