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Accurate identification and analysis of FRP material physical properties is critical to understanding how particular FRP equipment or piping will perform or react under a variety of mechanical stresses in various corrosive environments.  FRP materials do not have uniform standard physical properties.  Equipment design depends on application of accurate properties and allowable stresses to achieve long term reliability performance in service.  Expert FRP materials testing is often crucial to evaluating equipment failure or better understanding service life expectancy for compromised FRP equipment.

Physical Properties and Evaluation

Tensile testing
Flexural testing
Short beam shear testing
Hoop tensile/ split disk testing (pipe)
Ring bending/ hoop flexural stiffness testing (pipe)
Ignition Loss (“burn”) testing
Water absorption coupon testing
Laboratory specimen visual examination
NDT Non-Destructive Testing:
(Radiography, Microwave thickness testing, Infrared Thermography, Ultrasonic)

UT Gage_edited.jpg
Anchor Testing

Materials Testing and NDT

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