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Haiwee Power Plant Penstock Replacement Project: ENR California's Best Projects 2019

Updated: Oct 18, 2021

Best Project for 2019 under the Water/Environment category.

FSE is honored to have been part of Barnard Construction’s project team for the Haiwee Penstock Replacement Project, recently awarded ENR California’s Regional Best Project of 2019 in the Water/Environment category. FSE provided third-party FRP Specialist engineering review and quality assurance inspection and consulting support for the 9,420 linear feet of 84” dia. fiberglass penstock pipeline. Located northeast of Bakersfield in the Owens Valley of south central California, the completed Haiwee penstock pipeline carries water nearly two miles from the South Haiwee Reservoir to the Haiwee Power Plant, along with providing clean drinking water for Los Angeles. The Project Team was supported by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.

“More than 170 oversize truckloads of 84-in.-dia pipe, most of it in sections measuring 60 ft long or greater, were transported 1,100 to 2,050 miles from manufacturing plants in Washington and Alabama..”

Read more about the award winning project at ENR California’s Best Projects 2019

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